Online ISSN : 2424-0427
Print ISSN : 1341-934X
ダラット高原における輸出指向型野菜産地の形成 : 冷凍野菜加工企業のベトナム進出とその原料調達様式
坂爪 浩史隋 〓妍高梨子 文恵岩元 泉
ジャーナル フリー

2006 年 15 巻 1 号 p. 53-60


This paper clarifies the formation of an export-oriented vegetable producing area in Dalat Highland, Vietnam, through analysis of the raw material procurement system by "Green Home", one of the five processing enterprises. Since its establishment in 2002, Green Home has processed and exported frozen vegetables, spinach and green soybeans, rapidly expanding its scale of sales. The frozen spinach price is ten percent higher than the Chinese price, and this advantage covers the freight cost disadvantage relative to Qingdao, the main producing area in China. Raw vegetables are produced on three Green Home farms (47ha) and one hundred contract farms (103ha). The Raw Materials Section staff make rounds to each farm once in ten days, with Green Home also inspecting for pesticide residue and instituting a trace-back system. However, such quality control levels are looser in Dalat than in Qingdao. Furthermore, land productivity in Dalat is not necessarily sustainable, due to consecutive planting of the same vegetable. These problems must be resolved in order for Dalat Highland to develop as a frozen vegetable producing area.

© 2006 日本農業市場学会
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