The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics
Online ISSN : 2186-5477
Print ISSN : 0368-2781
ISSN-L : 0368-2781
産婦人科領域感染症に対する新しいカルバペネム系抗生物質ビアペネム (L-627) の基礎・臨床的検討
松田 静治王 欣輝安藤 三郎川又 千珠子清水 哲也石川 睦男千石 一雄斎藤 聰史柴田 繁男芳賀 宏光長谷川 天沫山下 剛山下 幸紀溝口 久富牟禮 一秀山崎 知文千村 哲朗平山 寿雄斎藤 憲康森崎 伸之高橋 克幸遠藤 紘朝野 晃山元 博尚佐藤 和雄津端 捷夫長田 尚夫坂本 秀樹武田 佳彦井口 登美子滝沢 憲岩田 善行坂倉 啓一水口 弘司植村 次雄多賀 理吉白須 和裕池田 万里郎仲沢 経夫橋本 栄片桐 信之飛鳥井 邦雄楊箸 岳人鈴木 直行毛利 順石川 雅彦根岸 達郎長田 久文菊地 律子八神 喜昭花田 征治生田 克夫掘 悟細井 延行樋口 和宏足立 立子生川 剛史森田 康敬玉舎 輝彦伊藤 邦彦三鴨 廣繁和泉 孝治山田 新尚岡田 弘二保田 仁介山元 貴雄荻田 幸雄石河 修藤野 祐司今中 基晴本田 謙一大仲 博之中田 真一田中 文平西村 淳一池田 春樹濱田 和孝山本 久美夫岩佐 知子津田 浩史迫 久男田村 俊次平林 光司岡田 悦子加藤 紘高杉 信義武田 理平塚 圭祐石松 正也嶋村 勝典長屋 寿雄中村 薫成松 昭夫岡田 理山下 三郎相良 祐輔森岡 信之山中 恵岡本 啓一永田 行博沖 利貴吉永 光裕伊集院 吐夢飯尾 一登上田 哲平
ジャーナル フリー

1994 年 47 巻 12 号 p. 1637-1667


We investigated biapenem (BIPM, L-627) a newly carbapenem antibiotic, for its antibacterial activity, tissue penetration, clinical efficacyand bacteriological effect in obstetric and gynecological infections, and obtained the following results.
1. Antibacterial activity
MICs of L-627 against 149 strains isolated from80 patients in this clinical trial were examined and compared with those of imipenem (IPM) and ceftazidime (CAZ). The MICK50, and MICK90, of L-627 against the isolates were 0.2and 12.5 μg/ml, respectively. Those of IPM were 0.2and 6.25μg/ml, respectively.
The antibacterial activity of L-627 was quite similar to that of IPM, and was superior to that of CAZ.
2. Tissue and retroperitoneal fluid penetration
The peak levels in venous and uterine arterial sera were 24.0 and 26.2μg/ml, respectively, after 300mg drip infusion. The peak levels in the uterine or adnexal tissues were 2.39-9.60μg/g, and 0.2μg/g of L-627 was detected at 275 minutes after administration.
Peak levels in retroperitoneal fluid were 8.7±1.7 ktg/ml at 1 hour after the completion of 30 minutes drip infusion (300 mg) and 7.9±0.2, ug/ml at 30 minutes after 300 mg 60 minutes drip infusion (300 mg). These levels expected the MICs against main pathogenic organisms.
3. Clinical results
L-627 was given to the following 144 patients (No.of analytical subjects) at a daily dose of0.3-1.2 g for 2-13 days: intrauterine infections (54), adnexitis (36), parametritis (17), pelvic peritonitis (27), bartholins abscess (6) and other infections (4). The clinical efficacy was93.1% (134/144) and the eradication rate against isolated organisms was 88.7% (110/124). Side effects were observed in 2 patients: eruption (1) and vomiting with numbness of the tongue (1). Abnormal change in laboratory test results included increase in eosinophiles in 1, increase in GOT, GPT and γ-GTP in 1 and increase in GPT and Al-P in 1, but all of these abnormalities were very mild and withdrawal of the drug was not required.
Our results suggest that this drug is useful inthe treatment of gynecological infections.

© 公益財団法人 日本感染症医薬品協会
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