Online ISSN : 1884-765X
Print ISSN : 0003-5505
ISSN-L : 0003-5505
住谷 靖
ジャーナル フリー

1959 年 67 巻 4 号 p. 215-233


A statistic survey on morphological and numerical anomalies was carried out in 2464 males and 1586 females. The study aims to figure out the tendency and grade of regressive as well as progressive anomalies of the teeth in the Japanese. Following items are examined.
a) Anomalous tubercles such as the tubercle of Carabelli, paramolar tubercle, protostylid, distomolar tubercle, and central tubercle.
b) Anomalies in the tooth shape such as reduced type, dwarf teeth, and fused teeth.
c) Supernumerary teeth, congenital missing of teeth, and persistence of the milk teeth.
The results obtained are shown in tables 2-14.
The comparison of these values with those in the Japanese reported by previous authors revealed that in some items values were similar among the authors while in others values showed considerable difference from author to author. This difference may probably be due to statistically too few materials.
From the anthropological point of view the author feels it necessary to compare his results with those of other author's obtained in other races especially in Europeans on the one hand and the aboriginals of Africa and Australia on the other. But the author could scarcely find any publication dealing with identical items in any comparable ways. An exact comparison was therefore impossible.

© 日本人類学会