Online ISSN : 1884-0477
ISSN-L : 1884-0477
静電浮遊炉を利用した高温スペースデブリの模擬とそれに作用する レーザーアブレーション推力の計測
秋田 智也古田 作森 浩一小山 千尋石川 毅彦
ジャーナル 認証あり

2022 年 21 巻 p. 48-52


An electrostatic levitation furnace is used to simulate a small space debris heated to a high-temperature in space and to measure thrust-force generated by irradiating a laser beam remotely on the simulated space debris. In the electrical levitation furnace, the divergence of the electric field induces the recovery force proportional to the displacement of an electrically-levitated target on the horizontal plane. The force/displacement proportionality constant, so-called spring-constant is calibrated through an impact-hammer method, inducing an intrinsic oscillation of the target by applying an impulsive force. The external force applied on an electrically-levitated-target in a horizontal direction is estimated from the product of the proportionality constant and the displacement of the target. In the experiment, an electrically-levitated zirconium droplet is heated and ablated by irradiating a continuous-wave carbon dioxide laser beam, and the thrust-force generated on the laser spot is measured.

© 2022 The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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