Japanese Journal of Audiovisual Education Study
Online ISSN : 2433-0884
Print ISSN : 0386-7714
ISSN-L : 0386-7714
The Educational Effects of Visual Materials in the Teacher Training : To progress abilities for educational practicing; the comparative study in physical course and technology course
Masayoshi AkahoriToshiharu SekineKazuaki YoshimuraToshiyuki Yamashita
Author information

1994 Volume 24 Pages 17-35


The number of students who are going to get the higher education has been increasing in this country. The fundamental study in 1993 by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture informed us that 34.5% of eighteen-year-old people are in the higher education and 2,920,000 students were in colleges and universities in 1993. Because of this fact, college teachers and professors are urged to investigate the educational technology to teach effectively students who have various kinds of abilities and interests. Besides, practical abilities in education to meet the recent cultural changes, and wide fundamental knowledge are requested to students who want to be school teachers in the future. These facts are seem not only in Japan but also in world-wide. In our study, considering trend of the time, we are going to make clear the educational effects of visual materials through reactions of students who used and watched them. In those visual materials, educational practices are recorded for the purpose of improving their educational abilities. This report is trying to show the universal effect of visual materials for improving students' abilities in educational practical field, surpassing their experiences or their specialized fields. Along this object, we comparatively studied reactions of students in physical course and technological course, on watching the same visual material. The result of this study gives us a very good and clear direction in the usage of visual materials in teacher training in the near future. It is said that educational effects of visual materials would depend upon attributions of materials and conditions of students and teachers. Through our study, however, we certainly found that visual materials bring forth the wide educational effects irrespective of students' attributions, learning conditions or instructional conditions, on our comparative research for reactions of two kinds of students, such as physical course and in technology course.

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© 1994 Japan Association for Educational Media Study
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