Online ISSN : 1883-8898
ISSN-L : 0289-4548
松政 正俊栗原 康
ジャーナル フリー

1988 年 1988 巻 33-34 号 p. 33-41


MATSUMASA, MASATOSHI and YASUSHI KURIHARA (Biological Institute, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University). 1988. Distribution patterns of benthic small crustaceans and the environmental factors in a brackish shallow-water lagoon, Gamo lagoon. Benthos Research (Bull. Jap. Assoc. Benthology) 33/34, 33-41. Distribution patterns of benthic small crustaceans and the environmental factors influencing them were investigated in a brackish shallow-water, Gamo lagoon. Four amphipods (Grandidierella japonica, Kamaka, sp., Corophium uenoi and Melita sp.) and a tanaid (Tanais stanfordi) were recorded. In the benthic sandy habitat, distributions of four amphipods overlapped greatly, and especially G. japonica and Kamaka sp. were abundant. Both species distributed on the subtidal area in winter and spring, but G. japonica dominantly appeared on the subtidal and lower intertidal area (below M.L.W.) and Kamaka sp. mainly appeared on the intertidal area above M. L .W. in summer and autumn. C. uenoi and T. stanfordi were abundant on the surface of a concrete embankment of the channel part. The seasonal change in number of C. uenoi corresponded to biomass of the filamentous algae Polysiphonia sp. growing on the embankment, but the seasonal change in number of T. stanfordi did not. A lot of tubes of C. uenoi were observed among filaments of Polysiphonia sp. and tubes of T. stanfordi in thin layer of sediment on the embankment. These indicate that those four benthic small crustaceans distribute correlating with substrata such as the bottom sediment, the thin sediment on embankment and the filamentous algae Polysiphonia sp. in Gamo lagoon.

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