Online ISSN : 2434-5636
知野 昌央周東 和好山本 悟
ジャーナル フリー

2013 年 26 巻 p. 119-131


 The purpose of this study is to clarify the problem left solved in current researches and teaching methods about“ Back Hip Pullover from Take-off (BHP)” on the horizontal bar, and to develop an assistance tool and a new practice method for it.

 From the examination of current researches, first, it was shown that six kinesthetic senses were necessary in the BHP. Moreover, training methods to integrate them have not been examined yet. Secondarily, an assistance tool using a Judo Obi (Judo belt) and a new practice method were designed. After confirming the presence or absence of the six senses, nine grade-schoolers of the underachievement practiced the BHP ten times (30-60 minutes each) with this new method.

 As a result, five children achieved the BHP by the sixth practice. However, four children were not able to succeed it even by the tenth training. While those who achieved the BHP have six sensations of motion to some degree, those who did not achieved the BHP failed to acquire any of them. The present study has revealed that the new assistant tool and the newly designed practice method assume the role of integrating the six sensations of motion.

© 2013 日本スポーツ運動学会
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