Online ISSN : 2424-1164
Print ISSN : 0520-0962
ISSN-L : 0520-0962
尊像の座(第二部会(美術論・美術史), 美学会第八回全国大会分科会研究発表)
上野 照夫
ジャーナル フリー

1957 年 8 巻 3 号 p. 23-30


Various kinds of pedestals are used for the statues of Buddhist and Brahmanical gods. They are in the forms of lotus, human or animal figure, etc, and we can recognize that they serve not merely as the pedestal, but also as the throne : that is, they contain many meanings, symbolical or functional. Rectangular throne, for example, symbolizes the Buddha himself, lotus throne the power of production, fertility and longevity. Human figures under the feet of gods, in one case, support their function and in another are the beings conquered by them. Birds and beasts are the vehicles by which gods can move from place to place to display their power widely.

© 1957 美学会
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