2019 年 40 巻 4 号 p. 133-143
In this study, we attempted to localize the immunoreactivities of podoplanin/E11/gp38 and CD44, a counterpart possessing a high affinity to podoplanin/E11/gp38, as well as endomucin-immunoreactive blood vessels in the regions of odontoblast layers and the underlying sub-odontoblastic layers in murine tooth germs. Endomucin-reactive small blood vessels were scattered throughout the dental papillae of the tooth germs at postnatal day 1 but came to be localized close to the odontoblast/sub-odontoblastic layers until day 3. After postnatal day 5, small blood vessels were seen in odontoblast cell layers, while blood vessels with relatively larger diameters were seen forming in sub-odontoblastic layers. Immunoreactivities of podoplanin/E11/gp38 and CD44 were not detectable in the cells of dental papillae facing the inner enamel epithelium at postnatal day 1. However, at around postnatal days 3–5, podoplanin/E11/gp38 was localized in the odontoblast layer but not in the sub-odontoblastic layer, whereas CD44 was observed in the sub-odontoblastic layer but not in the odontoblast layer. The exclusive immunolocalization of podoplanin/E11/gp38 and CD44 in the odontoblast layers and sub-odontoblastic layers was seen after postnatal day 3 of the tooth germs, when the mesenchymal cells of dental papillae have already differentiated into mature odontoblasts at the cusp tip. Taken together, it seems likely that endomucin-reactive small blood vessels extended to the podoplanin/E11/gp38-positive odontoblast layers, whereas endomucin-reactive large blood vessels were already present in CD44-immmunopositive sub-odontoblastic layer, indicating the cellular regulation on the vascularization of endomucin-reactive endothelial cells during odontogenesis of the tooth germs.