Bulletin of the Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kyushu University
Online ISSN : 1881-4212
Print ISSN : 0915-499X
ISSN-L : 0915-499X
Effect of urea super granule application on physiological and yield attributes of rice
K. M. S. AhmedK. M. KhalequzzamanMd. M. HossainMd. J. Ullah
キーワード: Physiology, Rice, Urea super granule, yield
ジャーナル フリー

2020 年 43 巻 p. 23-33


The field experiment was conducted at the experimental field of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University during July to December 2015 to find out effects of urea super granule application on physiological and yield attributes of rice cultivar BRRI Dhan 31 and BRRI Dhan 34. The experimental treatments included two T. aman rice varieties viz. BRRI Dhan 31 and BRRI Dhan 34 and six levels of nitrogen viz. no nitrogen, pilled urea (50 kg/ha), USG 32.5 kg/ha, USG 50 kg/ha, USG 62.5 kg/ha and USG 75g ha-1. Rice cultivars differed significantly in all growth and yield contributing characters and BRRI Dhan 31 produced the highest grain yield (3.73 t/ha). Among the treatments, USG 62.5 kg/ha performed the best on all the parameter studied and gave highest grain yield (3.85 t/ha). Interaction of urea application and rice yield revealed that significantly higher grain yields were given by BRRI Dhan 31 and USG 62.5 kg/ha (4.45 t/ha). The higher grain yield was attributed mainly to the number of effective tillers/hill, filled grains/panicle and 1000-grain weight.

© 2020 Institute of Tropical Agriculture Kyushu University
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