Online ISSN : 2432-096X
Print ISSN : 0286-4886
ISSN-L : 0286-4886
白井 義彦
ジャーナル フリー

1977 年 28 巻 p. 1-16


Recently on the basis of National Land Use Planning Law, the land use planning is being pushed forward. In cities, towns and villages, rural industrialization is thus formulated. Land use is so important as to decide the regional progress. In the case of rural industrialization, unless the land use involved is seriously considered, environmental disruption is caused. Major attention is paid to labor supply and demand in the agriculture and the industry respectively. Little care is taken in plans of land use and environment preservation. There thus results in an industrial siting asdthe enterprise pleases. As a typical instance, in this report Shibata Town as a neighboring farm area of Sendai City is treated where rural industrialization has been introduced. The need is there for facing up to a reality to see any contradictions. To bring up land use on the right track, instances available must be thoroughly studied. First, the conditions underling change of the land use are clarified ; i,e. urbanization in Sendai City, drop of the town finance, depopulation, seasonal migration, and mixture of agriculture, industry and housing. Next, the conditions enabling change of the land use are pointed out ; i. e. from study of the town industry, land resource, traffic condition, labor force, water utilization, and social condition. Second, in connection of making the land use plans beneficial both to agriculture and to industry, the adjustment in land utilization is studied ; i. e. urban planning, rural planning, labor resource and water resource. The results are presented as a schematic model. Third, the results of analysis on Shibata Town as a typical instance are generalized. A 'framework' showing problems involved in rural industrialization and means to solve them is thus formulated. Then, going a step forward, a "check list" to contribute forward the rural industrializatian is presented. The solution of problems in land use, with the check list, is as follows. As is evident, the items listed are not all concerned to a given region ; such differ from one to another region, depending on the conditions. Therefore, those particularly significant, presenting difficulties, are selected, and correction is made subsequently. The check list is useful not only as a guideline in land use planning, but also in the learning of problems solution in planning education.


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