Online ISSN : 1883-4558
Print ISSN : 0011-8389
ISSN-L : 0011-8389
斎藤 誠関谷 重信丹羽 祐久
ジャーナル フリー

1973 年 44 巻 1 号 p. 64-70


Comparing the rolling contact fatigue strength of SCM22YM and S48CYM which are calcium bearing free-machining steels in which a few quantity of both Pb and S are added, with that of the base steels of SCM22, S48C and leaded free-machining steels of SCM22F and S48CF, the following results were obtained.
1. The said strength of YM free-machining steels of SCM22YM and S48CYM cannot compete with that of the base steels, but they are better as many times as 3 to 5 than leaded free-machining steel of SCM22F and 10 to 30 than S48CF respectively.
2. The said strength of SCM22YM and S48CYM is found better if the Pb content is smaller. Also, in the case of SCM22YM if the S is composite-added as much as 0.012 to 0.080% it contributes more or less to the improvement of the said strength.

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