Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
Vol.8 (The 9th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2011)

Academic Paper
Eigenstructure and Exergy Calculations for Superstatistical Integration of Global Transport and Urban Systems
*Bahram MojarrabiAshok Kumar GwalBijan Mojarrabi
キーワード: Superstatistics, Exergy, Eigenvalues
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 2


In the last few years,International research group,IRG SCAFT has developed a superstatistical based integration framework in which the principle of Ever-Advancing Civilization mediates the synchronized and cooperative strategies of globally integrated transport and urban systems through the introduction of an optimally integrated network of Humanitarian Hubs and cluster merging process of local populations.As a part of ongoing IRG research,we seek to answer two further formidable challenges encountered as we continue to develop the common integrated framework of transport and urban systems, namely the existence and nature of eigenvalues required for dimensional calculations of Humanitarian Hubs,and secondly,the social capital exergy based core logistic activities required for cluster merging processes. Finally,we suggest the spiral growth pattern for the cluster merging process and Humanitarian Hub integration process as another manifestation of First Passage Time Anisotropy.

© 2011 Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
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