Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
Online ISSN : 1881-1124
ISSN-L : 1341-8521
C: Travel Demand Analysis and Forecast
Locating Off-campus Shuttle Service Terminals for a University using Address Cluster Analysis
Mathew Harvey T. PERALTAJun T. CASTRODominic C. FARGAS Jr.Kayziel P. MARTINEZ
ジャーナル フリー

2022 年 14 巻 p. 463-483


In the Philippines, public transport terminals are seldom located based on housing data. As a significant trip generator, universities require sustainable transport options such as shuttle services. This study aimed to analyze the off-campus UP Diliman population to identify potential shuttle terminals through cluster analysis. These were then subjected to a user preference survey to see how good an indicator the population distribution is. For areas near campus such as Teacher’s Village and Loyola Heights, the cluster analysis was accurate as they were among the respondents’ top choices. This was also true for areas far from campus but with moderate UPD population such as Novaliches and Antipolo. However, user preference reveals that areas without high UPD populations can also be effective terminals if they have good access to public transportation. The same can be said for CBDs due to more work-to-campus trips instead of home-based ones.

© 2022 Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
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