Online ISSN : 2189-8499
Print ISSN : 0389-1445
ISSN-L : 0389-1445
日本列島における潮間帯ササラダニ類(ダニ類, ハマベダニ科)の生物地理と気候による分布域の違い
プフィングスティル トビアス蛭田 眞平萩野 航島野 智之
ジャーナル フリー

2022 年 110 巻 p. 27-37


Twelve species from seven genera belonging to three different families of marine associated ameronothroid mites are known to occur on Japanese coastlines. The diversity follows a clear gradient from north to south with species numbers increasing considerably in the subtropical southern areas. Members of the three families show a climate related distribution, with the Fortuyniidae and Selenoribatidae being confined to the warm temperate and subtropical islands and regions, and the Ameronothridae being restricted to the cold temperate northern coastlines of Japan. Knowledge about the intertidal oribatid mite fauna of the Japan of Sea coastline is almost completely lacking, showing the need to conduct future studies in this geographic area.

© 2022 日本土壌動物学会
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