e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology
Online ISSN : 1348-0391
ISSN-L : 1348-0391
Scientific Articles
From Photoemission Microscopy to an “All-in-One” Photoemission Experiment
Christian TuscheYing-Jiun ChenLukasz PlucinskiClaus M. Schneider
Author information

2020 Volume 18 Pages 48-56


Photoelectron spectroscopy is our main tool to explore the electronic structure of novel material systems, the properties of which are often determined by an intricate interplay of competing interactions. Elucidating the role of this interactions requires studies over an extensive range of energy, momentum, length, and time scales. We show that immersion lens-based momentum microscopy with spin-resolution is able to combine these seemingly divergent requirements in a unifying experimental approach. We will discuss applications to different areas in information research, for example, resistive switching and spintronics. The analysis of resistive switching phenomena in oxides requires high lateral resolution and chemical selectivity, as the processes involve local redox processes and oxygen vacancy migration. In spintronics topological phenomena are currently a hot topic, which lead to complex band structures and spin textures in reciprocal space. Spin-resolved momentum microscopy is uniquely suited to address these aspects.

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