第51回日本生態学会大会 釧路大会
セッションID: S1-2
*スパイヤー マルテイン
会議録・要旨集 フリー


On the basis of new palaeoecological and genetical data from Central European mountain areas the Holocene processes of migration and mass expansion of beech (Fagus sylvatica) can be reflected as result of climate and human influence as well. In contrast to former models of vegetation dynamics both effects on the development of Central European beech forests can be differentiated now by using a spatial and temporal distribution model which includes elevation as an important environmental factor.
According to pollenanalytical studies these beech populations did not futher migrate into the large plain area of Northwest Germany after having conquered the central mountainuous areas. According to the genetical and palaeoecological data we can conclude that the Northwestern part of Germany, France and the Netherlands might be settled by different beech populations which did not mix with these southeastern proviniences in spite of the fact that man opened the landscape by distroying the former Atlantic mixed deciduous forests which could have provided a wider distribution of beech. In the plains of Northwest Germany Fagus sylvatica appears 3000 years later and than continuously formed small beech forest which reached their full size during historic times.

© 2004 日本生態学会
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