Online ISSN : 1884-2739
Print ISSN : 1884-3123
ISSN-L : 1884-3123
植原 行洋
ジャーナル フリー

2022 年 2022 巻 42 号 p. 185-


 The EU is evolving its trade strategy in search of the fruits of economic growth. "Global Europe (2006)" used FTA as a power tool and became a watershed for EU companies to acquire overseas markets. SMEs account for 99.8% of non-financial firms and 65% of employees, forming the "economic backbone" in the EU. EU growth cannot be achieved without the growth of SMEs.

 In this paper, I observed the process of organically integrating "SME promotion measures" into "Trade strategy" from the historical background of SME promotion measures. "European Charter for Small Enterprises (2000)", "the Small Business Act for Europe (2008)", "COSME(2014)" were implemented, and the idea of "Think Small First" principle has come to be incorporated into the trade strategy.

 Since 2008, SME provisions have been increased in EU FTAs. EU-Canada (CETA) was the first to pursue the benefits of SMEs in the FTA. In the EU-Japan EPA, a "chapter" specializing in SMEs was established for the first time. Support for SMEs is becoming a "common norm" in FTAs, as evidenced by the treatment of maximizing profits and improving the business environment for SMEs. It also promised a mechanism for the authorities to take check-and-action, and providing one-stop information to SMEs that tend to fall into the information vulnerable. As CETA → TTIP negotiations → EU-Japan progressed, inclusive philosophy including SMEs in the trade strategy and SME promotion measures built a "reciprocal relationship", and the position of SMEs in FTA was strengthened.

 In the EU, there is a problem that only 2.4% of SMEs export outside the region. Therefore, I investigated the export effect of SMEs by FTAs. Of the countries with South Korea, Canada, Japan, and Vietnam, I confirmed high growth rates in South Korea and Canada. In addition, I searched for FTA business success stories. What they have in common is that small and medium-sized enterprises are realizing the merits of ensuring cost competitiveness due to tariff reduction, and reducing document procedures related to exports. Barriers have been reduced, probably because of the EU's strategic building capability, negotiation ability, and rule-making ability, and support for SMEs have been accepted as "common norms" that have a mutually beneficial relationship with EU trade strategy. However, there are challenges. The role of authority to support SMEs between the EU and member states, low FTA utilization rates of SMEs, etc. Although there may be problems such as lack of information on FTAs and complicated procedures, policymakers need to improve the environment so that more SMEs can use FTAs.

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