Online ISSN : 2185-307X
Print ISSN : 0369-4461
ISSN-L : 0369-4461
松本 宇柱
ジャーナル フリー

1942 年 36 巻 4 号 p. 503-517,en36


Since Histotoxin was demonstrated by Yasuno and Uehara, Numerous studies concerning it have been reported. The author has carried out these experiments with a view to find out some effect of the Histotoxin upon the actions of adrenaline and obtained the following results : -
1) When adrenaline (1 : 50, 000, 000-1 : 100, 000, 000 and) Histotoxin (1 : 4-1 : 10) were administered simultaneously, or when adrenaline was administered singulary after a preparation with Histotoxin, the promotive efficiency of adrenaline upon the isolated hearts of toads and frogs were respectively augmented. 2) When adrenaline (1 : 10, 000, 000-1 : 20, 000, 000) and Histotoxin (1 : 2) were administered simultaneously, or when adrenaline was administered singly after a preparation with Histotoxin, the vaso-constrictive efficiency of adrenaline on the blood vessels of the hind limbs as well as the mesenteric vessels of toads were markedly augmented. 3) The vaso-dilatory action of adrenaline (1 : 1, 000, 000-4 : 5, 000, 000) on the blood vessels of toad's lung did not make any changeby either simultaneous application of adrenaline and Histotoxin (1 : 15-1 : 20) or by single application of adrenaline after a preparation with Histotoxin. 4) The vaso-constrictive efficiency of adrenaline (1 : 10, 000, 000) on the blood vessels of rabbit's ears was augmented markedly by simultaneous administration of adrenaline and Histotoxin (1 : 5) or by single administration of adrenaline after a preparation with Histotoxin. 5) By the simultaneous application ofadrenaline (1 : 500, 000) and Histotoxin or by the singular application of adrenaline after a preparation with Histotoxin on the isolated intestine segment of toads, the inhibitory action of adrenaline showed a marked increase. 6) There is no variation in the inhibitory action of adrenaline (1 : 100, 000-1 : 500, 000) on the isolated intestine segment of frogs, when adrenaline was applyed alone after a preparation with Histotoxin. But the inhibitory action of adrenaline on the isolated intestine segment of frogs was weakened by applying simultaneously with adrenaline and Histotoxin. 7) When adrenaline (1 : 1, 000, 000) and Histotoxin were administered simultaneously or when adrenaline was given alone after a preparation with Histotoxin, the inhibitory efficiency of adrenaline on the isolated intestine segment of rabbits was not found to be changed. 8) The promotive action of adrenaline (1 : 10, 000, 000) on the isolated uterus segment of rabbits was augmented by simultaneous administration of adrenaline and Histotoxin, but it did not show any change by single administration of adrenaline after a preparation with Histotoxin. 9) The promotive efficiency of adrenaline (1 : 2, 000, 000-1 : 5, 000, 000) on the isolated bladder segment of toads was increased by simultaneous application of adrenaline and Histotoxin (1 : 5), but it did not make any change by singular applying of adrenaline after a preparation with Histotoxin. The above experimental results show that the pharmacological efficiency which was obtained by simultaneous administration of adrenaline and Histotoxin belongs to a phenomenon of potentiation, and that an increasing adrenaline effect can always be caused by a preparation with Histotoxin.

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