Online ISSN : 2185-307X
Print ISSN : 0369-4461
ISSN-L : 0369-4461
堀 精次
ジャーナル フリー

1927 年 4 巻 1-2 号 p. 101-113


Infusing Ringer-Locke's solution containing 1, 2, 4 or 6% soluble starch into the vein of rabbits with various velocities from ca. 1 to 10 cc. per kilogram per minute until they died, the author obtained the following facts :
The greater the starch concentration in the solution infused, the more injuriously acts the infusion upon the animal body, that is, the smaller become the infusion quantities fatal to rabbits. With decrease of the infusion velocity, animals can endure a longer infusion, but the fatal infusion quantities are not increased every time. The total amount of the urine which is excreted during the infusion becomes smaller with the increase of the starch content.
In the infusion of a Ringer-Locke's solution which contains 4 or 6 % starch with an infusion rate of less than 5 cc. per kilogram per minute, a slight rise of the blood pressure is always observed. The descended pressure due to bleeding ascends soon after the infusion of this fluid to a height almost equal to that of the initial pressure. But if the infusion is discontinued, it gradually descends again sooner or later. In the continual infusion, however, the blood pressure maintains its good condition till just before death. The pulse and the respiration show usualy no marked changes due to the infusion of starch solutions.
On dissecting the animals after death, the changes in the thoracic organs are very marked. In the lungs are found oedema, stagnation and haemorrhages. The heart is always stopped in a diastolic state. The changes in the abdomen are, in general, slight. But in the slow infusion with a dilute starch solution when animals can stand a long infusion, they become striking. The stagnation and swelling of the liver, kidneys and other organs and abundant fluid in the intestine and transudate in the peritoneal cavity are then observed.

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