Online ISSN : 1884-9385
Print ISSN : 1880-4357
ISSN-L : 1880-4357
山田 朋子
ジャーナル フリー

2020 年 16 巻 p. 55-64


New trends of women’s history in Poland developed after the collapse of the communist regime. This paper reviews some characteristic studies about women’s history in Poland over the last 30 years. One of the most important works is the series “Women”. The series includes nine volumes, with about 250 articles. The series was edited by Anna Żarnowska and Andrzej Szwarc, professors of the Institution of History in Warsaw University. The first volume of the series, “Women and Society — Polish lands in the 19th century —” was published in 1990. In this book, the writers of articles analyzed the situation of women in the social and economic structure of Polish lands in the 19th century. Most of these articles were based on studies during the period of communism.

Thereafter the following volumes of the series were published; “Women and Education” (I, II, 1992), “Women and the Political Sphere” (I, II, 1994), “Women and Culture” (1996), “Women and their Daily Lives” (1997), “Women and Work” (2000), “Women and Leisure” (2001), “Women and Marriage” (2004), and “Women and Revolution of Custom” (2006). The writers of these volumes analyze different ways of life and thinking of Polish women in the 19th and 20th centuries. The works changed the image of Polish women that had previously been suggested by the words: Matka Polka (Polish mother). The words show the stereotype of Polish women; naïve and religious peasant wives or mothers of sons fighting for the independece of Poland.

After 1990, many other works show us various Polish women’s activities, too. Particularly, these works remind us of the existence of an active feminist movement in Poland at the beginning of the 20th century. Polish womenhad demanded voting rights before the First World War.

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