Online ISSN : 1349-9963
Print ISSN : 0016-7630
ISSN-L : 0016-7630
北海道・樺太新生代植物の研究 VII., : 北海道・樺太第三紀層産ウリノキ屬(Marlea=Alangium) (豫報)
大石 三郎藤岡 一男
ジャーナル フリー

1941 年 48 巻 574 号 p. 354-356


There are about eighy living species of Marlea(=Alangium) distributing in Japan, Manchoukuo, China, and palaeotropical region of southeastern Asia., Of these, M., platanifolia SIEB., and ZUCC., and M., chinensis REHDER are living in the Japanese Islands, the northern most limit of the former being Prov., Kitami(N., L., 45°) of Hokkaido, while the latter the southern Kyusyu(N., L., 32°)., The authors recognized four different types of fossil Marlea from the Tertiary rocks of Hokkaido and Karahuto., They are M., basitruncata sp., nov., M., kusiroensis sp., nov., M., taiheiensis sp., nov., and M., basiobliqua sp., nov., The former three are the type of modern M., platanifolia, while the last one is the type similar to M., chinensis., M., basitruncata and M., basiobliqua have been derived from the Woodwardia Sandstone of the Isikari Series of Hokkaido (Isikarian Stage ; Palaeogene), M., kusiroensis from the Syakubetu coal-bearing beds of the Urahoro Series of Hokkaido (Urahorian Stage ; Oligocene-Miocene) and M., taiheiensis from the Esutoru coal-bearing beds of Karahuto (Kawabataian Stage ; Miocene)., In 1939, KRYSHTOFOVICH and BORSUK brought Ficus tiliaefolia (Al., BR., ) HEER and Buttneria aequalifolia (GOEPP., ) MEYER into one species and adopted the generic name Alangium taking the latter specific name., The present authors agree with these Russian authors in that the genus Alangium(=Marlea) is the more adequate generic designation for the named fossil types, yet the present authors bear a different opinion in bringing them into one specific type., Types referable to "Buttneria aequalifolia" are rather common in the Kawabataian flora of Hokkaido and Karahuto, but the comparison with the living types bearing similar foliar characters is now carrying on., The details may be printed in the Journal of Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University.,

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