Online ISSN : 1349-9963
Print ISSN : 0016-7630
ISSN-L : 0016-7630
石井 孝吉龜井 〓夫
ジャーナル フリー

1950 年 56 巻 653 号 p. 57-58


Limestone and conglomerate exposed at Oise-dani, Kamianauma-mura, in the upper part of Kuzuryu River, were found to contain fossil corals of Gotlandian age., Among the pebbles of the conglomerate the writers found diallage-gabbro., A quite similar rock occurs enclosed, probably as an intrusive mass, in cherty schalstein nearby., It follows then that there was an intervening period of erosion between the deposition of the cherty schalstein and the Gotlandian conglomerate., A complex of crystalline-schists, consisting mainly of epidote-amphibole-schists, is also exposed in the vicinity., It grades into gneissic hornblende-epidote-quartz-diorite where it has undergone lit-par-lit injection by acidic magma., The gneissic quartz-diorite resembles closely one of the commonest types of the so-called Hida gneisses, the age of which is yet unknown, The crystalline-schist complex is everywhere separated from the Gotlandian sediments by intrusive masses of serpentinite, so that their age relationship cannot be determined by the present surbey.,

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