Geographical Research Bulletin
Online ISSN : 2758-1446
Cause analysis of the development of Japan’s tourism industry based on the push-pull theory
Xiaozheng Liu
Author information

2023 Volume 2 Pages 2-21


The tourism industry has an obvious promoting effect on national economic growth, and it is a modern economic form to promote economic and social development. Since Japan implemented the policy of establishing a country through tourism in 2003, the tourism industry has developed rapidly and made remarkable achievements. Based on the push-pull theory, this paper analyzes the reasons for the development of the Japanese tourism industry from two aspects of push and pull. In the push factors, this paper analyzes the relationship between per capita GDP and tourism consumption and then based on the latest Japanese official market survey data, through the analysis of specialization coefficient to clarify the specific push factors and trends of all age groups in Japan. The push factors, it is analyzed from the four aspects of “government behavior”, “non-governmental organizations”, “tourism resources” and “tourism environment” to reveal the concept and path of expanding the space of tourism development in Japan.

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