Online ISSN : 2434-0871

The P luralistic R enewable E nergy P rojects D eveloped in D ifferent C ontexts in a L ocal C ommunity in the Tohoku after 3.11 ―― A C ase S tudy of the Shonai R egion of Yamagata Prefecture
*Suguri TairaYasushi Maruyama
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 4-


The p urpose of this study is to descri be t hree str e a ms of ren ewa ble en ergy development in Tohoku , Japan after The Great East Japan E arthquake in 2011 with changin g o f Japanese energy p olicy to anal yze the inf l uence of the poli cies that affec ted this area Japanese renew able ener gy polic ies pro ceeded not only for the mitigation of cl ima te change but also for the transition from nuclea r power generation to distributed generation after the Fukus hima n uclear disaster . The To h oku area has enormous potential for sol a r energy a nd wind e nergy , that s why mega solar and onshore win d f a rm w as developed in this decade I t ha s developed rap idly for the first decade h owever , local people have complex feeling s about th e top down promoti on of the introduction of them and there are many controversial projec ts all over Japan. This paper tried to expla in renewab le energy changing in a rural areas in this decade to realize one of the backgrounds of confusing the current situation as least.

© 2022 Japan Council for Renewable Energy (JCRE)
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