Online ISSN : 2185-1719
Print ISSN : 0016-7444
ISSN-L : 0016-7444
風の地方名の研究 その 2 ヤマジ(ヤマゼ)とヤマセ
關口 武
ジャーナル フリー

1941 年 17 巻 10 号 p. 824-842


The writer discusses this subject from two standpoints, meteorolo-gical and ethnographical. The results are summarized as follows:
1) Although the authors thought that “Yamazi (Yamaze)” and “Yamase” are the same, the one being a corruption of the name of the other, the two names mean entirely different kinds of wind.
2) “Yamazi (Yamaze)” is widely known in the Setouti District, meaning a southerly gale, accompanied by a Tyhoon.
3) “Yamase” occurs in the Japan Sea, being a very cold easterly breeze that blows in early summer from high pressure regions, which stagnated on the eastern sea of Japan.
4) Etymologically, these two names have quite different origins, the one sugesting “Ya-Maze”, in which “Ya” means the arrow, in Japanese, and “Maze”, being either the name of a southerly summer breeze (see previous paper) or having the same origin as “Yamai” (=disease). The other means “Yama-Kaze”, a wind that blows over the mountains, like the “Tramontana” of Westein Europe.
5) In this case, the marginal phenomana of words distribution can be recong naized also.

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