Online ISSN : 2185-1352
Print ISSN : 0024-1008
ISSN-L : 0024-1008
占部 薫松尾 吉恭平本 恒喜牛尾 喜一
ジャーナル フリー

1956 年 25 巻 1 号 p. 15-24


Cultivation of murine leprosy bacilli in vitro has not proven entirely satisfactory. Studies were conducted on in vivo cultivation as an indirect aid in clarifying the mode of propagation of the bacilli. In order to avoid the partial observations resulting from in vivo methods used heretofore, phase contrast microscopy and the slide culture method in vivo were utilized. The following results were obtained.
1) Murine leprosy bacilli show elongation, branching and granules formation similar to growth of other acid-fast bacilli on the slide inserted under the skin of the white rat.
2) It is suggested that murine leprosy bacilli will multiply even in the absence of body cells if there is adequate infusion of body fluid in a susceptible animal (white rat) under conditions where invasion of body cells is obstructed.
3) Propagation of murine leprosy bacilli in murine leprosy sensitized white rats is slow and minute compared to the non-sensitized control.

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