Online ISSN : 2185-1352
Print ISSN : 0024-1008
ISSN-L : 0024-1008
櫻井 方策
ジャーナル フリー

1936 年 7 巻 5 号 p. 707-721_6,47


Leprosy is believed to be one of chronic contagious diseases, which is transmitted by contact. In the previous experiments the author painted an emulsion of a leprous nodule on the skin of the human body and rabbit. With a piece of the painted skin serial sections for microscopic examination were made. In these sections lepra bacilli were found penetrating the skin through a small crack or even an intact continuity. The penetration of the bacilli through the skin also was demonstrated in the skin of the mouse, in which the skin was rubbed after painting the emulsion, or with the rabbit, in which the hair was plucked off. These experimental results were reported in No. 2 of Vol. VI and VII of the journal Lepro.
In this experiment, 5 rabbits were employed and the emulsion was dropped into the conjunctival sac continuously for 30 minutes. In one of these rabbits the lachrymal duct was destroyed by cautery. Then the conjunctiva was excised for a microscopic examination.
In the nrst rabbit (No. 9) 3 bacilli could be found after examining 347 sections, in the second (No. 10) 11 bacilli in 155 sections, in the third (No. 11) 7 bacilli in 382 sectioi and in the forth with a closed lachrymal duct 5 bacilli in 103 sections. Among the penetrating bacilli 19 existed in the deep layer of the cutis, 7 in the middle layer, 4 close by the epithelial layer and 4 direct beneath the epithelium. One bacillus was found in the neibourhood of the Meibom's gland as well as in the wall and in the hollow of blood vessels respectively.
From these findings it was stated that lepra bacilli could enter into the deep layer of the cutis through the epithelial layer of the conjunctiva, and the bacilli in the cutis into the blood vessel penetrating the wall.
The question as to whether or not a leprous change could be caused by the bacilli, which entered into the cutis of the conjunctiva, was not solved. But summarizing the experimental works carried out by the present author, the skin could be regarded as a more favourable source than the conjunctiva, since the skin was far larger in extension and had far more occasions to contact with leprous carriers than the latter.

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