2018 年 66 巻 2 号 p. 821-818
The Tattvārtha chapter of the Bodhisattvabhūmi uses the term prajñaptimātra to deny samāropa, and the term vastumātra to deny apavāda. Through a comparison of both terms, I point out that the meaning of mātra in the compound vastu-mātra is a denial of non-existence as the basis of designation, and an acceptance of its existence. When samāropa and apavāda are denied by prajñaptimātra and vastumātra, it is proved that all phenomena have an inexpressible intrinsic nature.Originally vastu was seen to have two meanings, “the basis of designation” and “existence of ultimate reality.” Only when used as a restriction of the “inexpressible” (nirabhilāpya) is vastu seen to take the meaning of “existence of ultimate reality,” yet I point out that originally the word vastu does not have the meaning of “existence of ultimate reality.”