Online ISSN : 1884-0051
Print ISSN : 0019-4344
ISSN-L : 0019-4344
久保田 正宏
ジャーナル フリー

2020 年 69 巻 1 号 p. 202-207


In Tiantai doctrinal discourse, the distinction between the contemplations of Seeing Principles (liguan 理観) and of Seeing Manifestations (shiguan 事観) first appeared in the writings of Jingxi Zhanran 荊渓湛然 (711–782). Today it is generally accepted that Seeing Manifestations applies only to “the samādhi of following one’s own thoughts” (suiziyi sanmei 随自意三昧), the fourth of the Four Samādhis (sizhong sanmei 四種三昧). Although this interpretation can certainly be derived from Zhanran’s thought, it is important to note that Zhanran’s account can equally support alternative readings. Furthermore, parts of the Mohe zhiguan 摩訶止観 clearly disagree with the standard interpretation outlined above.

Consequently, the present paper takes it as its premise that the exact correspondences between the two contemplations and the Four Samādhis cannot be established on the basis of Zhanran’s doctrinal thought alone, nor can they be derived unambiguously from Siming Zhili’s 四明知礼 (960–1028) works. Proceeding from this premise, the paper shows that today’s standard account of these correspondences was not established in the Southern Song period. The paper points out that Southern Song Tiantai monks beginning with Zhinan Zhongshao 指南仲韶 (d. u.) and Baiting Shanyue 柏庭善月 (1149–1241) in fact advanced the notion that Seeing Manifestations is not limited to the fourth of the Four Samādhis.

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