Online ISSN : 1884-0051
Print ISSN : 0019-4344
ISSN-L : 0019-4344
徐 東軍(来海)
ジャーナル フリー

2021 年 70 巻 1 号 p. 300-297


As esoteric Buddhism gradually receded in importance in China during and following the Tang period, it seems that the practice methods taught in the Wuliangshou yigui 無量寿儀軌 were gradually forgotten. However, the tradition of esoteric Buddhism was not completely lost, and esoteric rituals such as the Yankou 焔口 ceremony have continued to the present. The Yankou yigui 焔口儀軌 text that this ceremony is based on is interesting in that it quotes the meditation called “Entering the Samādhi of Avalokiteśvara” 入観自在三摩地 given in the Wuliangshou yigui, and also refers to an Amitāyus maṇḍala阿弥陀曼荼羅.

In Shingon Buddhism the Wuliangshou yigui is the source for both the Juhachidō shidai 十八道次第 and the Amida deity yoga practice, “Entering the Samādhi of Avalokiteśvara” appears in the position held in later Shingon shidai by nyūga-ga’nyūkan 入我我入観, and is a practice for attaining yogic identity with Amitāyus in the aspect of the mystery of body身密加持. In the Yankou yigui this meditation is also used for yogic identification, but particularly emphasizes the providing of food to the pretas through the great compassion of Avalokiteśvara. Other practices within the Yankou yigui have apparently been adjusted in several ways to conform with “Entering the Samādhi of Avalokiteśvara.”

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