International Chemical Engineering Symposia Proceedings
Online ISSN : 2758-3031
IChES (International Chemical Engineering Symposia) 2022

Impact of Adsorbed Phase Protein Mobility on Chromatographic Separation Performance
Jürgen BECKRainer HAHN
会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス

p. 1-5


Elucidation of protein transport mechanism in ion exchanges is essential to model separation performance. In this work we simulate intraparticle adsorption profiles during batch adsorption assuming typical process conditions for pore, solid and parallel diffusion. Artificial confocal laser scanning microscopy images are created to identify apparent differences between the different transport mechanisms. Typical sharp fronts for pore diffusion are characteristic for binding strengths as low as K = 1. Only at K = 0.1 and lower, the profiles are smooth and practically indistinguishable from a solid diffusion mechanism. During hold and wash steps, at which the interstitial buffer is removed or exchanged, continuation of diffusion of protein molecules is significant for solid diffusion due to the adsorbed phase concentration driving force. For pore diffusion, protein mobility is considerable at low and moderate binding strength. Only when pore diffusion if completely dominant, and the binding strength is very high, protein mobility is low enough to restrict diffusion out of the particles. Simulation of column operation reveals substantial protein loss when operating conditions are not adjusted appropriately.

© 2022 The Author(s).

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