Online ISSN : 1347-5533
Print ISSN : 0385-4205
ISSN-L : 0385-4205
山崎 貞郎小橋 久中根 央根岸 照雄田中 章雄
ジャーナル フリー

1998 年 118 巻 7-8 号 p. 855-860


A method to simultaneously measure the electrical and magnetic properties of a spherical sample (SRPM method) has been developed. The SRPM is the acronym of "Simultaneous Resistivity and Permeability Measurement" for a normal metal sample. With the SRPM method, a rather time-consuming full formula is used to calculate the difference in the impedance of a coil with, and another one without a sample. A new simplified formula for this purpose has been derived. Comparison of the values obtained with the full formula and the new one was made. The new simplified formula cuts down the calculation time to one tenth. As the new formula is based on the case when the sample is placed in a uniform magnetic field, the applicable region of the new formula is shown in comparison with the full formula.

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