Online ISSN : 1348-8147
Print ISSN : 0385-4213
ISSN-L : 0385-4213
藤田 創森 啓之
ジャーナル フリー

2012 年 132 巻 1 号 p. 118-124


This paper proposes an optimal allocation of FACTS devices for maximizing Loadability with hybrid cording EPSO (Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization). Loadability shows the maximum load that can be supplied in power network without the violation of thermal, voltage limits, etc. It is important to study it due to the system planning and operating. An allocation of FACTS devices is one of the attractive ways to increase Loadability. However, it is not easy to determine the optimal location and the optimal variable output of FACTS devices. The former is expressed in discrete number while the latter is represented in continuous one. As a result, the problem to be solved results in a nonlinear mixed integer problem that is very hard to solve. In addition, the use of MCS (Monte Carlo Simulation) to consider the uncertainty such as variable generations leads an increase in computational time. This paper proposes a hybrid cording EPSO that is combination of discrete and continuous EPSO to reduce the computational time and to improve accuracy. The proposed method is successfully applied to a sample system.

© 電気学会 2012
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