2023 年 15 巻 1 号 p. 105-111
India has strong pharmaceutical industry, which is unusual for a developing country. According to the IBEF, India ranks 3rd worldwide for pharmaceutical production by volume and 14th by value. Due to the WTO's TRIPS, India reintroduced product patents in the pharmaceutical field in 2005. Foreseeing the introduction of product patents in India, large pharmaceutical companies started NCE development around 2000. According to one previous study, Indian pharmaceutical firms had more than 200 molecules in the pipeline by 2015. However, so far, only a fraction of this has been launched. In contrast, the Japanese pharmaceutical industry has been developing rapidly since the country introduced product patents in 1976. This study explores the cause of this striking difference between Japan and India. Using a commercial database, it examines the patent filing activities of India and Japan. As a reference, an analysis on the U.S. was added to this study. The results of this study will help other developing countries to work out the pharmaceutical industry's strategies and tactics.