Online ISSN : 1884-8729
Print ISSN : 0021-1699
ISSN-L : 0021-1699
第1報 症例と診断
石川 義志畠山 辰夫山上 次郎佐藤 良子新井 利男東海林 文一郎中村 良介石崎 泰生熊谷 時儀橋本 満
ジャーナル フリー

1969 年 23 巻 2 号 p. 183-193


Recently, attentions to the non-tuberculous pulmonary diseases are getting increased according to the remarkable changes of clinicopathological pictures of pulmonary tuberculosis and the progress of diagnostic techniques to the pulmonary diseases. The studies were made from the diagnostic stand point of view on the cases of chronic non-tuberculous pulmonary diseases at Tuberculosis Sanatoria in Tohoku District, Japan.
The results were as follows:
1. Recently, the number of patients with non-tuberculous pulmonary diseases who need hospitalization are getting increased every year.
2. Routine diagnostic studies such as tuberculin test, bacterial and roentgenographic examinations should be made for the diagnosis of the non-tuberculous pulmonary diseases prior to another special laboratory studies.
3. Biopsy seems the most important study for the differential diagnosis of the non-tuberculous pulmonary diseases.
4. Carcinoma of the lung has in recent years become increasingly common. The identification of it must be done promptly using exfoliative cytology. In addition, biopsy and surgical exploration are necessary if possible.
5. Bronchiectasis and pulmonary abscess were more frequently found in Tohoku District.
6. Pneumoconiosis were found more frequently in workers working in a remote and recluded places among the mountains who were exposed long term to dust from charcoal and in roofer who had engaged long term in making thatched roof in rural area. We are now doing more investigative studies to those pneumoconiosis as characteristic occupational diseases in Tohoku District.

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