Online ISSN : 1884-8729
Print ISSN : 0021-1699
ISSN-L : 0021-1699
太田 剛夫岩川 孝憲
ジャーナル フリー

1970 年 24 巻 9 号 p. 715-720


Public education and collective examinations beginning in December, 1966, have been supported by Public Sanitation Bureau of Prefecture Anti-Cancer Association and public hospitals.
Nineteen cases of carcinoma in situ (0.10%) and 13 of invasive cancer (0.07%) were found among 17, 444 cases during three years, from October, 166 to December, 1969.
The author would like to suggest the following necessities through the experience.
1. Planning of the collective examination Registration might be legally established and the listed indivisual must be examined once a year. According to the registration, the planning should be made by the prefectural office.
2. Public education:
A medical lecture on cancer should be held in each community.
3. Screening tests:
The laboratory should be equipped with colposcope, biopsy and cytological apparatus.
4. Further examination:
The doubtful individuals should be referred to a specialist and reported to a case-worker who will follow the cases.
5. Follow-up:
An individual who showed atypical dysplasia should be examined in every three months thereafter.
The collective examination of the uterine cancer is subjected to find a cancer from a woman who has no complaints before examination. The effective result of the collective examination could be obtained when these five problems have completely resolved.

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