Online ISSN : 2424-1970
Print ISSN : 1342-6893
ISSN-L : 1342-6893
衛星回線経由のインターネット上でのハイパーホスピタル(超病院)の構築 : 提案と予備的検討
上野 貴司山本 康人小林 拓史後藤 源太中西 裕二日下 優子加藤 正和白谷 篤史岩本 和久山田 総一郎上田 陽子山口 隆美
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 89-92


We have been developing the Hyper Hospital, a network based VR mediated medical care system. The Hyper Hospital is composed of two seamlessly integrated environments, that is, the virtual and the real worlds. Of them, its virtual environment expands the conventional medical care system using the virtual reality technology as a principal human interface and a collaboration tool. In the present study, an attempt to extend the Hyper Hospital system to a satellite communication based multi-media network using the Internet protocol is reported. Using the WWW as the human interface, transmission rate and other performances were measured with various data, including VRML pages and realistic medical image data. The satellite network was shown to be suitable to the Hyper Hospital network, and a plausible application of the network was discussed.

© 1997 一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
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