Online ISSN : 2423-9925
Print ISSN : 1343-6627
ソニーにおける経営理念と人的資源管理の展開:1960~1970年 : 「運命共同体」と「新実力主義」に見る盛田昭夫の経営思想
佐々木 健
ジャーナル フリー

2015 年 22 巻 p. 109-120


This article reveals that Sony's ability based grading system was affected by the management philosophy of Akio Morita. Sony's ability based grading system has its basis on Morita's management philosophy stressing the relationship between management and employees must be cooperative. Due to Sony's labor dispute in the former half of 1960s, Morita decided to establish cooperative relationship between management and employees and it forced his human resource management to be Japanese oriented. Morita expected to add seniority based promotion rule on Sony's ability based grading system. In conclusion, this article validates that Sony's human resource management system started with an evident rule of promoting employees going along seniority under the guarantee of lifetime employment. This reveals that Morita's management philosophy was affected by Japanese customs starting from the early stage of his management career.

2015 日本経営倫理学会
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