Online ISSN : 1884-8168
ISSN-L : 0289-2022
三吉 聖一朗
ジャーナル フリー

1980 年 2 巻 1 号 p. 47-56


Hinge axis was found and introduced to dentistry by McCollum in 1929. Gnathology made fast progress with the invention and improvement of an articulator and the analysis of mandibular movement, in addition to the hinge axis.
Gnathological treatment must be performed accurately step by step. A great deal of knowledge, experience and ability are necessary for each of the steps. But, first of all, it is important to know what exactly the hinge axis is and how important it is. The hinge axis must be taken correctly, and be always located identically. This technic is most important for gnatholgy. Besides, each of the steps being correctly studied and mastered, any error occuring during any step must be always corrected.
It is the remount technic to correct the error. It will be easier to treat by taking the remount technic. If the remount technic is performed easily, correctly and skillfully, complicated gnathology will reduced to only a little.
It is not gnathology to restore all teeth. Though, as there are so many teeth to be restored nowadays, the remount technic should be treated as a method of checking the steps. Thus, gnathology will be easier.

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