Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics
Online ISSN : 1883-8014
Print ISSN : 1343-0130
ISSN-L : 1883-8014
Regular Papers
Adaptive Critic Design with Local Gaussian Process Models
Wei WangXin ChenJianxin He
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2016 Volume 20 Issue 7 Pages 1135-1140


In this paper, local Gaussian process (GP) approximation is introduced to build the critic network of adaptive dynamic programming (ADP). The sample data are partitioned into local regions, and for each region, an individual GP model is utilized. The nearest local model is used to predict a given state-action point. With the two-phase value iteration method for a Gaussian-kernel (GK)-based critic network which realizes the update of the hyper-parameters and value functions simultaneously, fast value function approximation can be achieved. Combining this critic network with an actor network, we present a local GK-based ADP approach. Simulations were carried out to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach.

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