Online ISSN : 2758-3686
小坂 浩之谷下 雅義鹿島 茂
ジャーナル フリー

2000 年 12 巻 1 号 p. 39-50


Because of the economic growth, container cargo movements are increasing rapidly in the Asian region. Therefore, the amount of container cargo loaded and discharged in the port are increasing rapidly too, and each Asian countries are making plans of container port improvement respectively. The service level of port improvement affects the carrier' s selection of a calling port and the shipper's port selection. The port improvement plans which are not fully taking the behavior of carrier s and shippers into consideration may not succeed because the number of calling vessels and container cargo handlings do not correspond to the improvement level of the port. In order to examine a suitable port improvement plan, the behavior model of carriers and shippers on condition of the service level of a port is required.

In this paper, it is aimed at the container liner transportation in Asia region not fully examined until now. The behavior model of carriers and shippers is created with consideration to the operation route by grasping the operation characteristic of vessels in the region.

© 2000 日本沿岸域学会
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