Online ISSN : 2433-2976
葉 淑恵
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2019 年 26 巻 p. 209-218


In today's tourism context, a significant emphasis is directed toward inbound tourism promotion. However, the viewpoint of twoway tourism should be promoted as well. With regard to tourism and community development, indeed, they are using their respective culture characteristics. This seems to be done through the omotenashi belonging to Japanese service industries, including restaurants, Japanese-style hotel (inn). However, they are not guaranteed to service without innovation. The challenge is how they could increase the number of visitors during the boost of individual travels style, not only to increase their revenues but also to serve their communities. Especially with the decrease in the population's ages, some houses will be used as hostel for running business. However, for some of these houses, it has been difficult to get a license to operate as the aforesaid business. To interactively use their houses in the best interest of the community by seeking two-way tourism, I intend to propose a new approach of “Japan-Taiwan home stay exchange in farmhouse and people' home accommodation” to draw a distinction with overseas studying home stay. My proposal shall be promoted through the Japan-Taiwan National entity along with omotenashi's community.

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