Online ISSN : 2758-3805
Print ISSN : 0915-0625
水島 恵一草田 寿子大平 英樹岡本 かおり柴田 詠子鈴木 さとみ田口 博子
ジャーナル フリー

1991 年 5 巻 1 号 p. 79-88


 For the past decade, we have reported many studies on the Schematic Projective Techniques which have been designed by Mizushima. They are the simple dynamic projective techniques as a tool of psychometrics, psychodiagnosis and psychotherapy. In these techniques, simple materials such as card of key word, circle piece of paper or wire are used. These materials are arranged on a sheet of paper freely by a client in order to express his/her feeling. As for one of the techniques, circle pieces symbolize self and others, and wire symbolize the boundary of self or a group. Key words are printed on cards in Chinese letters, which, for example, represent some of key emotions (love, anger, and so on). Resently, we have constructed personal-computer version of our Schematic Projective Techniques. The present paper intends to suggest the application of personal-computer version of our techniques for assessment of family relationships.

 After reviewing the procedure of some techniques, relating to psychodiagnosis and psychotherapy, patterns of family relationships measured by one of the techniques were cluster-analized. It is suggested that computer version of Schematic Projective Techniques is useful for assessment of family relationship and for psychotherapy.

© 1991 日本家族心理学会