Online ISSN : 2433-183X
Print ISSN : 0287-2870
ISSN-L : 0287-2870
「教育経営」概念再構築の課題 : 「教育行政」概念との関連性に着目して(<特集>教育経営概念の今日的検討 教育経営概念及び研究の有効性と限界(2))
南部 初世
ジャーナル フリー

2008 年 50 巻 p. 14-25


The purpose of this paper is to restructure the concept of educational administration and management in Japan. We use the term "Educational Administration" in two meanings, one is KYOIKU KEIEI, the other is KYOIKU GYOSEI. By the end of 1980s, numerous attempts had been made by scholars to show a proper definition of KYOIKU KEIEI. But there was little agreement as to the definition. Later the environment surrounding educational administration and management changed dramatically. As the objects of study change, the subjects and methodologies of study change too. Accordingly we have to re-examine the definition of KYOIKU KEIEI. We discuss the subject from the comparison with KYOIKU GYOSEI point of view. To begin with, the definitions of KYOIKU KEIEI may be divided into three types and sketched out. Then, the problems of the various definitions are shown. Finally, the issues of restructuring the concept of educational administration and management in Japan are propounded. The conclusion to this paper is as follows: (1) There are two problems of the various definitions of KYOIKU KEIEI: The first is the validity of the concept of KYOIKU KEIEI; The second is the incomplete understanding of the concept of KYOIKU GYOSEI. (2) For restructuring the concept of educational administration and management in Japan, we need to deal with the social change and show the following three points: The first is the characteristics and the relationship to similar conceptions; The second is the subject and the function; The third is validity.

© 2008 日本教育経営学会
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