Online ISSN : 2424-1474
ISSN-L : 2424-1474
新自由主義的教育政策の展開と公教育の現状 : 公教育における支配と統治構造の転換(II <特集2>公開シンポジウム 沖縄から地方の教育政策と格差を問う)
中嶋 哲彦
ジャーナル フリー

2012 年 19 巻 p. 81-89


The income disparity and the regional disparity are the inevitable results of the capitalist economy. The Welfare State had intervened in the economic processes to alleviate such disparities during the post-war era. But the welfare state policy required the vast state expenditure, which brought the financial crisis to the capitalist state, and made it difficult for the monopoly capital to accumulate the capital. The developed capitalist state had no option but to change their government form from the welfare state form to the neo-liberalist one. The neo-liberalist states do not control the exclusive economic competitions and alleviate the disparity, rather use them to govern the people. In Japan, the government has carried up the neo-liberalist education policy since the late 1990s. This policy is constituted the following four elements. (1) The deregulation of the standards of the public education system, which includes the standards of conditions favorable for affording the equal and desirable school education for all children. (2) The "selection and collection" policy to distribute the education funds. (3) The competition and "management by objective." (4) The introduction of the market mechanism to the public education system.

© 2012 日本教育政策学会年報
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