Online ISSN : 2434-9151
Print ISSN : 0910-4275
A Comparative Analysis of the Abstracts of the Research Papers in Applied Linguistics
小山 英二
ジャーナル フリー

2022 年 39 巻 p. 15-40


Discourse analysis has been getting increasing attention amongst English as a Foreign Language (EFL) school teachers in many academic fields of study in recent years as a greater number of EFL students are likely to study abroad, especially in English-speaking countries. An abstract genre analysis that focuses mainly on pattern underlying specific text types can be helpful for such language teachers to find out new ideas of teaching reading and writing. This study compares six different abstracts of the research papers in Applied Linguistics by identifying five move structures (Introduction, Purpose, Method, Product, and Conclusion) and fourteen sub-move options of the abstract genre. The study also looks closely at some of the main lexical cohesions (e,g., repetition, synonym, antonym, and hyponymy), grammatical cohesions (e,g., additive, adversative, causal, temporal, anaphoric, cataphoric, comparative, ellipsis, and tense usage). It would be worth investigating how well each abstract of the research papers is organized and what makes its abstract so important in terms of the contents. The paper makes a few suggestions for the future possibility of applying the genre-based ESP (English for Specific Purposes) teaching in secondary - and tertiary - level educational settings in Japan.

© 2022 The Japan Society of English Usage and Style
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