数学教育学研究 : 全国数学教育学会誌
Online ISSN : 2433-3034
Print ISSN : 1341-2620
算数科におけるコミュニケーション活動の実践的研究 : 3つのコミュニケーションパターンについて
森 清美
ジャーナル フリー

2000 年 6 巻 p. 89-95


An arithmetic class centerd in communications is thought of as one of the classes where children can work independently and have various ways of thinking. This study aims at investigating the communication aspect and its result from the practical point of view. Through the analysis of the class protocol in the 5th grade, three communication patterns are shown. In the first pattern, teacher takes the initiative in the communications with children. In the second pattern, teacher intervenes between their communications with others and the children's ideas about them. In the third pattern, teacher encourages and supports children in their communications. In addition, it has been made clear that in the second pattern children are led to solve problems through the communications with their teacher. Also in the third pattern, children try to reach their goals by themselves. The analysis of each pattern shows that mathematical activities, such as meaning making and comparative reasoning, are seen in their communications. By repeating these activities, children are expected to acquire logical thinking and make progress mathematically.

© 2000 全国数学教育学会
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