Online ISSN : 1882-2827
Print ISSN : 1342-8713
ISSN-L : 1342-8713
HPLC/Chemiluminescence Detection of Methamphetamine and Amphetamine in Hair
Nariaki TakayamaSeishi TanakaRyoichi KizuKazuichi Hayakawa
ジャーナル フリー

1998 年 3 巻 1 号 p. 11-15


  We have developed a highly sensitive HPLC method using chemiluminescence detection (CL-HPLC) for determining methamphetamine (MA) and its metabolite, amphetamine (AP), in a single hair. MA and AP were extracted from a single hair with a solution of methanol and hydrochloric acid, evaporated to dryness, dansylated, and subjected to CL-HPLC. Bis(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl) oxalate and hydrogen peroxide were used as post column reagents. This method was used for the determination of MA and AP in hair samples obtained from 44 MA users. Of these, 31 samples showed both MA and AP, 8 samples showed only MA and 5 samples showed neither MA nor AP. Seven MA users whose hair samples contained both MA and AP, neither compound was detected in the urine. Because the present method can be performed on a single hair, it is easier to procure samples and to obtain the subjects' willingness to provide samples.

© 1998 Japanese Association of Forensic Science and Technology
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