Online ISSN : 2185-8284
Print ISSN : 0386-2682
ISSN-L : 0386-2682
森下 健安部 信行竹内 光吉斉藤 光代荒井 親雄長谷川 元治川下 治仁鈴木 賢二駒澤 勉Tatsuo SHIRAI
ジャーナル フリー

1984 年 12 巻 3 号 p. 725-731


We have developed a method of pulse wave velocity (PWV) determination for an aid of noninvasive diagnosis of arteriosclerosis, and have studied the principle of pulse generation and theory of wave transfer, its relation to the quantitative histological findings, organ specific distribution of arteriosclerosis, and other basic, clinical and epidemiological problems on PWV,
In the present paper, features of the complicated arteriosclerosis with hypertension were examined using PWV based on the epidemiological interests. Subjects:
Epidemiological subjects: Among 128, 127 male subjects examined in the occasion of mass physical examinations for 30 to 60s of age without the of cerebral apoplexy and cardiac attack, 12, 231 cases with history of hypertension, 7, 253 cases without history of hypertension but hypertension with maximum blood pressure more than 180 and/or minimum blood pressure more than 100mmHg being found in the mass physical examination, and 108, 643 cases of the control with no hypertensive history, showing less than 158 and/or less than 88mmHg of blood pressure were the subjects of epidemiological examination.
The PWV values of the epidemiological subjects (having history of hypertension, and hypertensive subjects) were higher than those in the control subjects. However, the PWV values in the hypertensive history bearing and hypertensive patients in the epidemiological examination were not significantly different among various age group, and considering the fact that the hypertensive history bearing cases had recived some treatments, treatment of hypertension might not be directly and positively effective in the improvement of arteriosclerosis.

© 一般社団法人 日本動脈硬化学会
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